Important: Comment on the Draft Area Plan by Aug 23
No later than August 23, we need your voice to continue the fight to preserve the PHGC land conservation easement and open space. Here are the steps for making comments on the CPD Draft Area Plan:
Click on the words “comment form” and proceed to make your comments.
Please make general comments about the need to preserve the perpetual open space and recreational conservation easement and the overall sham CPD process that has resulted in this draft area plan.
If you’d like to include any details from our critique of the CPD process: (1) go to this website, (2) click on the “News” dropdown, and (3) click on “Community Planning and Development Sham Process.”
REMINDER: Be sure to attend and participate in the September 7 “Community Informational Meeting” at the PHGC Clubhouse [4141 East 35th Avenue] from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. And, encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to attend as well.