Information for anyone who may be interested in
Denver Parks & Rec volunteer and stewardship opportunities, including flowerbed adoption.
Information provided by Council District 5
Does DPR have a specific procedure in place for making this request?
Yes. The attached agreement will be provided to any individual or group interested in adopting a flowerbed. The agreement provides more detailed information on guidelines, waiver requirements, care and maintenance schedules, etc.
Is there a website that I can send to interested RNO members that talks about this issue?
Yes. RNO members (WDCA is an RNO member) can use the Denvergov link to access DPR’s volunteer page and learn more about the department’s volunteer and stewardship programs. We are currently rebuilding the ‘adoption’ portion of the page. Therefore, interested parties will need to contact DPR’s Volunteer Program Manager, Tina Myers, directly via phone or email. Her contact information is on the web page. Email: Phone: 720-512-7971.
Is there a staff member I should connect them with?
DPR’s Volunteer Program Manager, Tina Myers. Email: Phone: 720-512-7971.
When is the best time of year for an interested RNO member to reach out to DPR to make this request proactively in preparation for planting season?
Best time to contact DPR would be late summer/early fall for the following growing season. As the horticulture team designs the flowerbeds and begins to propagate the plants (in the City Park greenhouse) for the following year’s displays, it helps our team prepare accordingly. Generally, planting needs to occur by Memorial Day holiday.
Is there training offered by DPR that RNO members can take on drought-resilient flowers or low water plantings to ensure what they plant meets our climate goals?
As part of DPR’s adoption procedures, the RNO member(s) will receive training from the district horticulturists on the proper care and maintenance of the plants. Plant selection is made by district horticulturists when designing the flowerbed display (the previous late summer/early fall).