From CW Amanda Sawyer
I wanted to reach out and send you this lighting study that DPD did in partnership with our office. For background, Councilwoman Sawyer has been leading the “Lights On, District 5” Initiative for the better part of three years now. As part of this initiative, we have encouraged residents to keep their private lights on (whether it’s porch lights, interior lights, etc…) to decrease incidents of property crime. To that end, we’ve partnered with DPD3 to do a lighting study of every statistical neighborhood in District 5 to see where hot spots of property crimes are occurring as a result of a gap in public lighting, and then to work with the RNO, private companies, the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI), the Department of Finance (DOF), and Xcel to improve streetlighting in that area.
Thanks to DPD’s incredible work, every statistical neighborhood in District 5 now has a completed, peer-reviewed lighting study. I’ve attached Washington Virginia Vale’s here, which encompasses Winston Downs. All other lighting studies can be found on the Councilwoman’s ‘Projects’ page under the ‘Lights On District 5’ tab.
In the coming weeks, our office will be analyzing this data and working to address gaps in lighting, if any are present. Please feel free to share this and come up with your own plans if you’d like. We love ideas! We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have and/or meet about this to discuss next steps.
CLICK HERE to access the Lighting & Crime Study PDF