April 10, 2023 DENVER – Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) is rolling out its annual street paving program to maintain a smooth ride on city roadways and improve travel conditions across the network. This year, the program aims to pave more than 450 lane-miles* of local, collector and arterial streets, utilizing approximately $40 million in funding, including $11 million from the voter-approved Elevate Denver Bond Program.
DOTI mill and overlay crews are kicking off the season in the Montbello and Clayton neighborhoods. Maps of this year’s paving plan and a listing of weekly paving locations can be found at www.denvergov.org/denverpaving.
In addition to paving residential streets, nearly 80 miles of arterial roadways in the city will be improved this year with bond funding, including:
- Monaco St Pkwy – Alameda to 23rd Ave
- Sheridan Blvd – Quincy Ave to Mansfield Ave
- Logan St – Virginia Ave to Yale Ave
- 2nd Ave – Steele St to Colorado Blvd.
Parking tip: Temporary no parking signs are placed on streets to be paved at least 24 hours in advance of crews arriving. Cars left on the street when work begins will be moved – typically within a two-block radius of where the car was parked. Residents who need help locating their cars can call the city’s non-emergency line at 720-913-2000 for assistance.
*One lane mile = a one mile-long, 12-foot stretch of roadway