Special notices and events
Explorer Group – Denver Police Youth Community Academy
DPD Youth Academy Explorer Open House: Wednesday, April 5 th at 7pm New Explorer Recruit Class begins May 17 th , 2023 Denver Police Academy, 2155 N. Akron Way (Main intersections: Montview/Syracuse) About Denver Police Youth Community Academy The Youth Academy provides an opportunity for teenagers to learn about the Denver Police Department including SWAT,...
Mayoral Finalists Forum April 11
Eisenhower Chapel 293 Roslyn St, Denver, COWho Will We Choose? Mayoral Finalists Forum – Tuesday, April 11 Your selection of Denver’s next mayor will impact our city for possibly the next 12 years. So mark your calendars and be sure to show up at the Eisenhower Chapel on Tuesday, April 11 at 7 p.m. to hear and ask questions of the two mayoral finalists....
Bike Registration & Neighborhood Watch Training
District 3 Police 1625 S University Blvd, Denver, CO, United StatesSPECIAL INVITATION OPPORTUNITY!!! Special one-time training about 529 Garage (this training will NOT be repeated.) Wednesday, April 26th from 5pm to 6pm at the District 3 Station – 1625 S. University Blvd (before the Neighborhood Watch training). The Denver Police Department is now partnering with 529 Garage for all bicycle registrations. At this training you will learn...
Denver Police Youth Academy
Denver Police Academy 2155 N. Akron Way, Denver, COSaturday, July 15th - Denver Police Youth Academy – Youth will learn about Denver Police’s SWAT, Bomb Unit, Police K-9’s, Self Defense, Motorcycles, Mounted Patrol, Police Helicopter, Driving Education, Crime Scene Investigation. Contact; Zeonnia.Parrish@denvergov.org or 720.913.6215 More info HERE
KIDS IN THE CROSSFIRE: A TOWN HALL Exploring Solutions to Youth Violence in Denver
Anschutz Med Ctr Auditorium 13121 E. 17th Ave, Aurora, COWhy have the violent deaths of 12- to 18-year- olds suddenly become “normalized” in metro Denver? Why has gunfire with young people pulling the trigger become so constant that at times it has seemed omnipresent in parts of the city? Join the Denver Gazette and 9News, as they ask questions and the panel offers answers....
Public Virtual Meeting Dec 20 on Public Housing
WHAT: Every year, the City and County of Denver receives funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to invest in housing and community development needs. To receive these funds, the city prepares a report called a Consolidated Plan, and the city is currently collecting input to that plan. To ensure that issues...
Presentation Near SE Area Plan Includes Winston Downs
Place Bridge Academy 7125 Cherry Creek N. Drive, Denver, COPLACE BRIDGE ACADEMY, 7125 CHERRY CREEK N. DR FROM 530PM TO 700PM A significant development is the comprehensive rezoning of properties previously under outdated zoning codes such as Planned Unit Development (PUD), Planned Building Groups (PBG), or community corridor (CC). Spearheaded by Community Planning and Development (CPD) and the District 4, 5, and 6...
Public Hearing 6750 E Exposition adding ADU to property
City & County Building 1437 Bannock St, Denver, COSubject: Official Map Amendment City Council Hearing Notification #2023i-00113 6750 E Exposition Ave Note: Event may be attended via Zoom or in person. See below OFFICIAL MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTIFICATION APPLICATION# 2023I-00113 LOCATION 6750 E Exposition Ave APPLICANT Ben Wiederholt 6750 E Exposition Ave Denver, CO 80224 PROPOSED ACTION TO REZONE FROM...