You shared your thoughts on the draft plan. Now, take a look at the updates
We received hundreds of comments on the first draft of the Near Southeast Area Plan and are now ready to share an updated, strengthened version. This new draft reflects feedback from residents, City Council members, and our partners in other city agencies, local organizations and businesses in the Near Southeast Area.
Read and comment on the updated draft plan
Download an updated executive summary
Community input: Key Takeaways
City planners met with community members in person and virtually, at public workshops and in one-on-one conversations during office hours throughout the Near Southeast neighborhoods, and through intentional outreach to renters and refugee families.Based on what we heard, changes were made to the draft plan to achieve the following:
- Clarify missing middle policies and strengthen affordability recommendations
- Allow additional growth along the Evans corridor with clearer recommendations for improving infrastructure to help people get around
- Adjust place and height recommendations to achieve better transitions and compatibility with neighborhoods
- Update economy related sustainability recommendations to include “Waste No More”
- Expand arts/cultural economy and continuing education policies with additional recommendations from community input
- Update and add additional housing statistics and goals
- Add more detail to trail improvement recommendations
- Improve streetscape and landscape recommendations for key corridors and parkways
- Identify additional intersections for pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements
- Identify additional streets for traffic calming opportunities
- Add recommendations for additional bike lane opportunities and identify those existing bike lanes needing an upgrade
- Include additional intersection safety improvements based on neighborhood level feedback
Use the link below to see a list of all substantive changes made to the draft and visit the plan page for more on what the planning team worked on and how the community participated.
See list of all substantive changes to the plan NearSoutheastPlan
About the Near Southeast Area Plan
The Near Southeast Planning Area is made up of the neighborhoods of Washington Virginia Vale, Virginia Village, Indian Creek, Goldsmith and the area of University Hills north of Yale Avenue. It includes a variety of housing types, significant commercial corridors including Colorado Boulevard and Leetsdale Drive, and amenities like sections of the Cherry Creek Greenway and the Highline Canal. Several major redevelopment projects in the area have highlighted the need to work with the community to update outdated neighborhood plans or provide planning guidance in areas where no neighborhood plan exists. As part of the Neighborhood Planning Initiative, this project provides an opportunity to create a long-term vision for these neighborhoods that furthers citywide goals and priorities while addressing local neighborhood needs.