[Source: City of Denver June 24, 2021]
Additional opportunities to learn about the planning process and share your voice, including an online survey and in-person events, will also be taking place throughout the rest of the summer.
Members of the steering committee for the Near Southeast Area Plan were selected from the more than 100 community members who submitted the interest form. Harvey Cohen, a former WDCA President, is the Winston Downs member of the steering committee.
The group is intended to be a cross-section of the neighborhoods that make up the planning area, including residents, local business owners and property owners. In bringing the group together, the planning team consulted with City Council Offices for Districts 4, 5 and 6, considered the area’s demographics, and sought out a diversity of interests, experiences and areas of expertise as well as voices from traditionally under-represented communities.
Steering committee members will help guide the planning process, support public engagement efforts and help create consensus at key points in the process. Meetings will be open to the public, and meeting materials will be available online after the fact.
See steering committee meeting information
The Near Southeast Planning Area is made up of the neighborhoods of Washington Virginia Vale, Virginia Village, Indian Creek, Goldsmith and the area of University Hills north of Yale Avenue. It includes a variety of housing types, significant commercial corridors including Colorado Boulevard and Leetsdale Drive, and amenities like sections of the Cherry Creek Greenway and the Highline Canal. Several major redevelopment projects in the area have highlighted the need to work with the community to update outdated neighborhood plans or provide planning guidance in areas where no neighborhood plan exists. As part of the Neighborhood Planning Initiative, this project provides an opportunity to create a long-term vision for these neighborhoods that furthers citywide goals and priorities while addressing local neighborhood needs.