Where do things stand now?
The Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure (DOTI) is proceeding with the implementation of the Virginia Avenue bike lane project. DOTI has opted to build the bike lane in two phases. DOTI realized that its original plan to have the bike lane connect to S. Quebec Street has significant safety and other challenges.
Phase 1 temporarily delays installation of the bike lane on the stretch of Virginia Avenue from S. Niagara Street (at the Denver Green School) east to S. Quebec Street. DOTI’s two-phased approach to implementing this project is as follows:
Phase 1: Paving and partial installation of Virginia bike lane. DOTI is planning to install the section of the buffered bike lane on Virginia stretching from Kearney Street to S. Niagara Street in conjunction with paving work in August. This will eliminate parking on both sides of Virginia for that stretch of the bike lane. Later, in the March/April time frame, DOTI is planning on installing a neighborhood bike lane on S. Niagara Street from Virginia Avenue north to the existing Alameda Parkway. DOTI has shared limited design information on that bike lane. In other areas, neighborhood bike lanes have not interfered with parking. However, the design of that bike lane is not complete. We have requested additional information on the design of that portion of the project .
Phase 2: Additional analysis and engineering. DOTI is taking additional time to study the remainder of the Virginia Avenue corridor stretching east from S. Niagara Street to S. Quebec Street to see if it can be done safely and meet the needs of Denver Green School and other stakeholders. The time frame and review process for this phase is unknown at this time.
Where the WDCA Board stands on this issue:
The phased implementation was developed and is being implemented by DOTI without the approval of the Winston Downs Community Association board and with very limited input from the affected community. DOTI scheduled an on-line community meeting introducing the current version of the plan on July 21 with a limited, three-day notice to the vast majority of the neighborhood. At that meeting, participants were muted and were unable to participate actively except by providing questions via a chat function. Most of those questions were left unanswered. The recording of that presentation is available ONLINE. The presentation slides can be downloaded HERE and the DOTI Project site is HERE
The WDCA board does not see the value of the phased implementation. Our community is being forced to accept partial project implementation without knowing what the full scope of the project will be or understand its impact on our community. Our basic safety and other questions and concerns were not addressed. We also believe that DOTI’s plan is not consistent with the wise stewardship of our limited budget available for transportation improvements in the midst of a significant economic downturn. It also reduces the ability of our board to focus on issues that are of greater importance and benefit to our community.
What can I do to help?
We encourage all residents who have concerns about the lack of accountability and transparency around DOTI’s review process for the bike lane to contact representatives of DOTI directly and also to contact the Denver Mayor’s office. Here are key contacts for you to start with:
David Pulsipher DOTI City Planner Supervisor David.Pulsipher@denvergov.org 720-840-4581
Eulois Cleckley DOTI Executive Director Eulois.Cleckley@denvergov.org
Christian Jimenez, Deputy Director of Community Outreach
Office of Mayor Michael B. Hancock, 720.660.1234
And, please do not hesitate to email us with questions or concerns at info@winstondowns.org.