We’ll be celebrating our Golden Anniversary – Fifty Years as your neighborhood organization!
Tuesday, April 22 from 7p-830p – This is an in-person meeting.
LOCATION: BMH-BJ Synagogue, 560 S Monaco Pkwy
Please enter back door from parking lot in back of building
Parking is HC accessable and free to all
If you are interested in serving on WDCA’s Board, please send your interest to email: info@winstondowns.org
Board candidates must be current 2025 WDCA members – $20/per calendar year per household.
Only one adult may serve from a single household.
If not a member yet, you may pay online or if you prefer an application you can mail, please CLICK HERE
WDCA’S Board meets via Zoom once a month on the third Tuesday from 7p-830p – No meetings in December
WDCA is also seeking volunteers for leading the following areas:
Update our website (WordPress platform)
Create newsletters (Content, layout)
Generate eNews via Mail Chimp platform
Gain volunteer hosts for our summer “Friday out front” and Sunday Social events