Expanded Trash Program
City Council has delayed the vote to change the current trash program to include paying for trash containers based on size, making composting free, and retain free recycling. WDCA Opposed the program as written. We champion reduction in pollution, but felt this plan was not well conceived in terms of waste management and true costs in light of recent economic issues. It will be voted on June 27. WDCA re-sent its letter of opposition.
Opportunities to Review Near SE Area Plan
There are two July dates July 13 and July 21, to review the area plan recommendations that include Winston Downs. Please see www.winstondowns.org/calendar for details.
Vegetation Overgrowth
During the last week of June, WDCA will engage a service to whack and spray weeds growing along Monaco, Quebec and minor entry streets to Winston Downs. Legally, we can only address sidewalk curb areas. We encourage residents to manage yards per Denver City Municipal Ordinance, (Sec 57-41, 42) residents are responsible to maintain yards and weeds to not exceed certain growth heights and they are responsible for sidewalk to curb as well.