DENVER July 24, 2020~ Inter-Neighborhood Association’s (INC) Annual Meeting held on July 21, 2020 via Zoom, had 62 in attendance. Of those, 50 voting delegates represented 41 Registered Neighborhood Organizations (RNO) from across the city. The three sections of the Resolution shown below were voted on separately and each section passed with 70% voting in favor.
- INC recommends that Denver de-bundle the household definition portion of the proposal and the residential care portion of the proposal.
- INC recommends that Denver not move forward on the new household definition portion of the Text Amendment without implementing a concurrent regulation creating a Rental Registry that will provide further protection for renters in Denver. Such a Registry would be through Excise & Licensing and could require registration, licensing, inspection of all properties being used as rentals.
- INC recommends the City rethink, and make mandatory, outreach by CPD to minority communities, to persons not active in RNOs or receiving communication from RNOs or through social media, to the broader community not reached in the four town halls, and to renters, so as to proactively gather input from all corners of the City. INC strongly recommends that CPD be required to include black indigenous people of color and renters in full discussion for every planning initiative and for work on all proposed text amendments.
CLICK HERE to watch the Resolution Discussion at INC’s Annual Meeting.
For more information about the Resolution contact
Denver’s Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation’s mission is to advocate for Denver citizens by bringing together, informing and empowering Denver neighborhood organizations to actively engage in addressing City issues.
Established in 1975, Denver INC is a voluntary, non-profit coalition of representatives from Denver’s registered neighborhood organizations (RNO’s), city agencies and others that gather to promote responsible city change and growth for Denver. RNO Membership represents over 70% of Denver’s housing units. We focus on citizen education/advocacy and fair-balance presentations on issues impacting Denver residents. For more information please visit our website: