Content partially credited to Denverite- an online news source
Denver is a unique city in promoting greater citizen involvement through organized neighborhood associations. Currently, there are 78 statistical neighborhoods represented by more than 180 registered neighborhood organizations (RNOs), Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and Homeowner Associations (HOAs). Registered neighborhood organizations (RNO) are entities that are recognized by the city as groups that represent the needs and desires of a given community.
In its defined geographic area, an RNO will normally address neighborhood quality of life issues – such as traffic, development and zoning, crime, communication and licensing, and promote social activities to enhance residential spirit, developing a sense of community, and encourage resident participation. RNOs meet regularly and many send out newsletters (print and electronic) to keep residents informed on neighborhood issues and events.
RNOs are required to have boundaries and public meetings. The city is required to provide RNOs in advance with information about significant changes in their neighborhood.
RNOs need to be well funded, well connected, and well organized to be effective. They have regular meetings, consistent locations and the meetings are open. What makes a lot of them effective is they are reflective of residents in the community, and they’re open to diverse opinions. They hold annual elections for leadership and offer other opportunities to help the neighborhood through committees and projects.
WDCA is an RNO. Get more involved in your community by joining your Registered Neighborhood Organization (RNO)- Winston Downs Community Association!