October 2022
Social Events
- WDCA thanks the residents who hosted four “out front” social gatherings open to all neighbors. Events held in May, June, August and September. Events were held on alternate Friday and Sunday dates in the afternoon
- WDCA hosted a neighborhood Sunday Social in July in the BMH parking lot. The event was highlighted with complimentary falafels from Mordy’s and ice cream from the Ice Cream Wagon. Our thanks to BMH for permitting us to hold the event in their parking lot.
Cleaning Up
- Earlier in the summer, WDCA hired a professional service to cut and spray weeds growing between curbs/sidewalks along Quebec, Monaco, E. Exposition and selective other entry streets to Winston Downs. This service will be repeated in October as well.
- As residents walk, we ask that you collect loose trash that you see in our streets to help us keep WD looking tidy. We have learned that trash begets more trash, then it leads to graffiti and graffiti spurs crime.
- After some long negotiations, WDCA, working with Council District 6, has brought back City mowing of the “field” located on the SW corner at Quebec/E. Exposition. We thank Council District 6’s Senior Aide, Brent Fahrberger, for his persistence in assisting us in pushing this along on our behalf. We now have documentation that DOTI will continue to maintaining this city-owned property. Our inquiry began because homeowners at 716, 726, 736 and 746 S Poplar St were asked to mow a land area of 70 feet x 85 feet deemed a right of way. The city owns the land and agrees this amount of space is not a reasonable expectation of homeowners to maintain.
Homeless Camp at Walgreens
Multiple efforts by residents and this board have been repeatedly made to remove the homeless camp located behind the Walgreens store at Leetsdale/Quebec. Denver Police District 3 have advised as of October 12 that this camp will be gone within a week and that city maintenance will clean up the remaining trash at the site. We learned the property belongs to Walgreens and they have not had a permanent store manager (authority) to remove the person until this month. If you see illegal camps continuing or located nearby elsewhere, please notify 911, District 3 Police 3.dist@denvergov.org and copy District 5 City Council DenverCouncil5@denvergov.org
Special Safety Event October 25
WDCA’s Safety Chair, Mickey Greenberg, has organized a special presentation to address gunshots, crime, Halloween safety and other important neighborhood safety topics to be held at the BMH-BJ Synagogue at 560 S. Monaco Parkway beginning at 7:00pm on Tuesday October 25. Free parking in back and please enter from the back. The event is supported by Denver Police District 3 and Denver Fire Department. Free to attend.
Halloween Monday October 31
Please be mindful of Halloween Trick or Treaters out on Monday October 31. If you do not want people at your door, please turn off your porch lights.
Voting November 8
By now, all residents should have received booklets for both State and local ballot issues and candidacies. Voting is a right we value in the United States. Please vote! Ballot boxes are listed at this Website. Please enter your zip code to find drop off and live voting places.
Please see posted article on Sidewalk Initiative CLICK HERE